The discipleship ministries at HCN include classes, small groups, and opportunities to find and deepen faith. We offer Sunday School for all ages, Life Groups, and small Discipleship Groups designed to bring us closer to one another and God.

In addition to our children’s Sunday School classes, we also offer three adult classes.

The New Creations class is for adults and delves deeper into faith.

Explorers is for those adults in their mid-twenties and up seeking to learn more about
how faith impacts our lives.
Encounter is our class for teens and twenties. The goal is for the young adults
to build relationships with the teens and help mentor them through challenges.
Our Life Groups are small groups of 8 to 10 people. They offer the opportunity to spend time together,
pray for one another, and share in meals and life.
HCN Discipleship groups are small groups of 3-4 people who get together weekly to
discuss scripture and pray for one another.

In addition, we also offer theology round tables where our staff and special guests get together to discuss topics and ideas related to our faith and lives as we become closer to God.  

If you have questions about any of our small groups or would like to get plugged in, please contact Pastor Brandon.